DTS Internal SharePoint Migration – Next Steps

Please read the information below regarding DTS Internal SharePoint Migration, from Keith Burton.

A package of work is underway to sort out the migrated DTS SharePoint content and improve the quality and accessibility of our internal DTS SharePoint content. This work excludes the DTS staff intranet pages, which have a different target audience. 

A small group are coordinating the work.  The migrated content will be categorised into four main groups:

  • Team sites.
  • DTS staff only information sharing.
  • Projects.
  • Collaborative sites. (Where DTS share information with other areas of the university. )

As part of the work to tidy things up, we will also create a DTS Archive area for sites that are no longer active but which owners still want to retain for reference.

The first pass to categorise the content and identify owners has already been done, and the next stage is to speak to site owners. Keith Burton will be in touch over the next couple of weeks to talk to you if you’re a site owner. If you want to start sorting out your site sooner however then get in touch.

If you’re not sure where your site has been migrated to, then you can use this list of old to new locations. Please note however that as part of the next phase of sorting these out they may move again into their correct area over the coming weeks.


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