Free Counselling Sessions

Teri Spinks, the lady who provides our massages for well-being week has asked if any of our staff are interested in this.  The details are all below:

Free Counselling Sessions starting next week.

Would you find it helpful to have someone to talk to right now? Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed? Self confidence or anxiety issues? or any other issue?  I am a trainee counsellor and offering between 4-6 sessions of confidential counselling as part of our training.

The sessions will be on Fridays, daytime only at the moment or,  possibly Thursday evenings from 6-7pm at Sheffield Technology Park.    I can’t offer help with addictions or sexual abuse at this point.  Our sessions will be written up for training purposes – but you will not be identified in that process. I hope to offer a safe space to listen and offload.

If you, or anyone you know would be interested and could benefit  please drop me an email at  or if you would like to talk to me confidentially in the first instance you can reach me on 07950 -307959.


Best Wishes, Teri

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