Staff survey about internal comms

​The Recruitment, Reputation and Outreach (RRO) strand of PSOM has identified internal staff communications as a priority area for immediate focus. To help inform the evidence gathering stage, there is a very short survey which all staff are invited to complete to share their views on internal communications that they receive. PSOM would value your input into understanding current thoughts and feelings on how we communicate with and engage staff. 

You can access the survey at:

This short survey should only take 3-4 minutes to complete; it covers all internal comms and engagement activity, both in terms of the central internal comms teams and dedicated resource within Faculties and Directorates, as well as a range of channels – for example: emails and newsletters; meetings, events, and staff sessions; the staff intranet; blog posts; and social media. When responding to questions, please consider all the above in general – there is also an opportunity to provide greater insight and detail in free-text questions at the end of the survey. 

This survey will close at the end of this week, on Friday 13 July at 5pm

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