PSOM Programme Update


Update on the key activities in PSOM. More information can be found on the PSOM blog, which can be accessed from the University intranet homepage.


PSOM programme update
Staff can find a detailed breakdown on the PSOM intranet section of the range of engagement activities and methodology used to inform the proposed operating models.
Student & Academic Services
The consultation period for Student & Academic Services draws to a close at the end of May. Feedback is being considered and will be communicated to staff w/c 11th June, following discussion with the Trade Unions. Implementation planning is now underway involving the senior Student & Academic Services team.
Faculty Central Services Teams
The consultation period for Faculty Central Services Teams draws to a close at the end of May. Feedback is being considered and will be communicated to staff w/c 11th June, following discussion with the Trade Unions. Implementation planning is now underway involving the Faculty Strategic Business Partners.
Institutional & Leadership
An informative staff briefing session was held on Friday 18th May for the Institutional and Leadership project, and a copy of the presentation is now available on the PSOM intranet section. Consultation for affected staff at SSG to G7 is due to commence on 11th June.
Business & Outward Engagement
The Business and Outward Engagement project has recently been focusing particularly on engagement with research staff (both professional services and academic). A revised timeline is being developed for the sharing of the service models and high level design for all the areas within scope of the Business and Outward Engagement project. Engagement across all areas will continue during the design period.
Career Offer
Additional lunchtime open sessions


Following the popularity of the Open sessions on the Career and Development Offer for Professional Services, we have added two further dates.


These are one hour sessions for SHU Professional Services staff at all levels to find out more about our plans for career conversations, career pathways, talent management, development moves and agile resourcing and to feed in your views.


Tuesday, 19 June 2018, 13:00 – 14:00, Stoddart Building, Room 7158, City Campus

Thursday, 21 June 2018, 13.00 – 14.00, Stoddart Building, 7158, City Campus


A guide to career conversations for managers and individuals has now been launched as part of the new PDR process.


If you have any questions please contact Shauna Vulliamy.


Recruitment, Reputation & Outreach
The Recruitment, Reputation and Outreach project has now commenced. An initial project scoping and planning meeting was held w/c 14th May with a follow-up meeting w/c 21st May to agree the priority work streams.
Provost Group – AQS
Consultation on proposals for Academic Quality and Standards has now opened. The proposals reflect significant external changes to quality assurance, including the outcomes-based focus of the Office for Students. The timeline for feedback on consultation and the subsequent implementation will run in alignment with Student and Academic Services timeline.




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