Update on some aspects of the SIP

From Tony Gannon In this update … progress on Service Management Tooling and some of the resolution processes (Incident, Problem and Request Fulfilment). The “resolution” processes are focused on improving our ability to consistently respond to service issues in a timely way and restoring service effectively with minimal disruption to the customer. They also consider…

The new SHU online prospectus – collaborating to achieve a better user experience

The University has recently improved its public-facing website for the online prospectus to give prospective students a better experience. Digital Technology Services worked closely with Marketing to achieve this and it involved underpinning work in Sitecore, Biztalk, SITS and Achiever. There has been some great feedback about the result.   Justin Cole, Director of Marketing: “I…

Change restrictions period

To protect the critical clearing and start of year period, DTS will, as usual, be operating a change restrictions period from Monday 6 August to Friday 5 October inclusive. Please make sure you and your stakeholders plan their IT change activity to take account of this. If if you have any questions, please talk to your line…

Changes to DTS SharePoint sites

A piece of work has started, led by Sarah Cleverley, to tidy up existing DTS SharePoint team sites and working spaces and bring them all into one site collection.  Representatives from all DTS major operating areas have been appointed (through nominations from managers) to act as liaison points. These key contacts will be responsible for…

Clearing continuity tests

As part of our preparations for clearing, 20 Furnival has been identified as a back-up space in case a catastrophic event takes place in the Owen Building where the phone lines will be manned on 16 August.  We are therefore planning two business continuity exercises to check that operators can efficiently move from the Owen…

Windows 10 and the new version of Office

Testing and piloting is currently happening for the roll out of Windows 10 which will be deployed across campus by the end of 2018. Staff in Digital Technology Services will receive it soon and feedback the project receives from us will help inform the roll out plan and the communications around it.  Before you move, you will…

Move More Workplace Challenge

We’re taking part in the Move More Workplace Challenge – join us! The competition runs from 1-30 June and includes many organisations and companies across Sheffield all aiming to make our city the most active city in the UK by 2020. By joining this challenge you can help SHU and your team climb the rankings…

PSOM Programme Update

  Update on the key activities in PSOM. More information can be found on the PSOM blog, which can be accessed from the University intranet homepage.   PSOM programme update Staff can find a detailed breakdown on the PSOM intranet section of the range of engagement activities and methodology used to inform the proposed operating…