PG Women in Academia

The Post-Graduate Women in Academia Group is a network for women in post-graduate study at Sheffield Hallam University which aims to do the following;

  • To serve as a network of support for women in PG study and as a safe space for the discussion of issues affecting women in academia today
  • To provide women in PG study with opportunities to build on their research skills
  • To encourage women in PG in their career development

Research has shown that women in academia continue to be less well-connected than men in academia (University of Sheffield, 2014), are far less likely to receive support in their career such as winning grants or getting published (Doherty and Manfredi, 2010) and continue to be under-represented at senior levels in universities. This network aims to encourage the progression of women in PG study and to support women’s career development from an early stage, therefore aiming to address these inequalities from the beginning of women’s academic lives.The group is student-led, multi-disciplinary and inclusive of all genders.

For more information, see

The first meeting is scheduled for 21 October 2016.
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