LRST: Research Data Management


This introductory session will introduce the core concepts of research data management and go over the main elements of a data management plan. There will be an opportunity to work on your own plan.   RDF subdomain(s): C2 - Research Management; D2 - Communication and Dissemination;   Booking link: Register via UniHub

LRST: Finding and Managing Information


In this introductory session we will go over some principles of literature searching and how to manage the search process  RDF subdomain(s): A1 - Knowledge Base; C2 - Research Management; Booking link: More information and register via UniHub

RSP: Developing Student Writing Skills and How to Produce Doctoral Student Feedback

Online via Zoom , United Kingdom

All forms of doctorate require some written work to be produced.  Students need to be able to articulate what they are thinking, to reflect upon their findings, and to gain feedback.  However, students may need encouragement and support from their supervisors to be able to write confidently and effectively.  Feedback on written work also needs … Continue reading RSP: Developing Student Writing Skills and How to Produce Doctoral Student Feedback

I2RI – Introduction to IP and Commercialisation Workshop

Research and teaching activities both involve the creation and use of intellectual property (IP). In some cases, IP created by SHU staff and/or students has commercial value and protecting it properly can greatly increase its potential to achieve impact and a financial return (to both institution and inventors). On the other hand, if you need … Continue reading I2RI – Introduction to IP and Commercialisation Workshop

SERI: Thesis Phase Session


Intended Audience:  SERI Education PGRs (EdD & PhD) only   These are open to all doctoral researchers in education (EdD & PhD) who have completed confirmation of doctorate (RF2) Those in the thesis phase of the EdD meet on Saturdays and weekday twilights throughout the year. A full programme for EdD thesis phase researchers has … Continue reading SERI: Thesis Phase Session

I2RI: Lab Induction for MERI/NCEFE PGRs (February starters)

On Campus

Health and safety lab induction for new MERI and NCEFE students starting in February 2023.   Led by Daniel Kinsman   Please contact with any queries   RDF sub-domain(s): A1 - Knowledge Base

LRST: Reference Management and RefWorks


In this session we will introduce the principles of reference management and demonstrate these principles using RefWorks.   RDF subdomain(s): C2 - Research Management; D2 - Communication and Dissemination;   Booking link: More information and register via UniHub

Doctoral School Welcome Meeting for new PGR students

Online via Zoom , United Kingdom

A welcome session for all doctoral research students beginning their studies in February 2023 (or who missed a previous session) We would like to invite you to the University-wide welcome session hosted by the Doctoral School which is taking place on Wednesday 15 February, 1430 – 1615 virtually via Zoom.  This session will be held … Continue reading Doctoral School Welcome Meeting for new PGR students

LRST: Depositing your work using Elements


In this session we will cover the basics of using Elements to deposit your research outputs and manage your publications profile. This session is suitable for all academic staff and doctoral students.   RDF subdomain(s): C2 - Research Management; D2 - Communication and Dissemination   Booking link: More information and register via UniHub