CAHPR Small Research Awards Competition 2019

The North East of England and Yorkshire and Humber CAHPR hubs are jointly running a
competition to support AHP research and innovation in the region.The aim is to support up to five AHPs, who are novice researchers, to carry out a small piece of research/innovation, with a view to facilitating these five candidates to develop a research active career in the future.
Up to five studies will be funded to a maximum of £1,000 each. The money can be used to
support any aspect of the study including but not limited too; salary costs, equipment, patient/public involvement, and transcription costs.
NIHR Devices for Dignity are contributing £500 to the awards and therefore priority will be
given to funding 1 research project with a focus on patients with long-term conditions.
Applications are invited from qualified AHPs who are interested in enhancing their research
capability. The application should be made as a group (with two or more people in the
The lead applicant must be a qualified AHP; the co-researchers do not have to be so. The
lead applicant must be a novice researcher (i.e. they must not have or be registered for a
Within the team there should be an individual who has experience of supervising research
students who will act as the applicant’s supervisor. If you are a novice researcher who would like to apply but you are not part of a group and do not know anyone who would be willing to act as a supervisor, please contact us and we will attempt to put you in touch with a suitable supervisor.
The study can be primary or secondary research, or a service evaluation – but must have a
multidisciplinary element. Ideally two or more different AHP disciplines will be represented
on the project team, however projects involving other disciplines i.e. nurse, physician,
physiologist etc., will also be considered. Studies with a strong multidisciplinary element will be looked upon favourably.
The proposed project should be able to deliver findings within one year. At the end of the
project the successful applicants will be asked to present their work at their local CAHPR
hub and to write a short paper on their work.
If you have any questions or would like more information please contact:
Angela Green (Yorkshire & Humber hub)
Sam Harrison (North East England hub)