26th Intensive Course in Applied Epidemiology – University of Aberdeen

Although the course covers concepts and methods common to all chronic disease epidemiology, it has a particular musculoskeletal focus and may be of interest to CAHPR members. Indeed, there have previously been a number of CAHPR members on the course. Also of interest, there are number of bursaries available.
The course has a long history and next year sees the 26th edition, and the 13th in Aberdeen. The course is pitched at a level equivalent to an Epidemiology module in an MSc / MPH course and, although a background in medicine / healthcare / health research is assumed, no prior knowledge of epidemiology is expected. The course has four streams:
- Disease measurement
- Study design
- Methodology
- Key skills
and we illustrate concepts using examples across several clinical areas. The course features a faculty with an international reputation, all active researchers in arthritis and musculoskeletal health. However, the course covers concepts and methods common to all chronic disease epidemiology.
Brief information:
Dates: Monday 4th to Friday 8th March, 2019
Venue: Sir Duncan Rice Library, University of Aberdeen
- £950, includes all course materials, refreshments / lunch, and transport between course venue (university campus) and Aberdeen city centre (for recommended and other hotels).
- £800, if booked by 30th November 2018.
Bursary places are available – see website for details.
Although accommodation is no longer included in the course fee, we have arranged a discounted rate at Aberdeen’s Jurys Inn hotel (www.jurysinns.com/hotels/aberdeen). A link to the booking site will be e-mailed to you, after booking the course.
Further information is available from www.abdn.ac.uk/icae, and please contact Giles O’Donovan with any queries.