Welcome to CAHPR Yorkshire
The Council for Allied Health Professions Research (CAHPR) South Yorkshire and Yorkshire Regional Hubs are working together to engage with AHPs and AHP managers across South Yorkshire and the Yorkshire and the Humber to build research capacity and capability to benefit practitioners, services and patients, through the provision of a seamless support infrastructure. Our activities and events are open to students, clinicians, academics, novice and expert researchers from across the AHP professions.
We aim to:
- Support AHPs from a range of AHP professions to engage with research to enhance their practice and patient care
- Strengthen links between HEIs and AHPs where wider MDT research collaborations could be developed
- Provide development opportunities for AHP researchers
- Support clinicians to take their first steps into research
- Encourage managers to support research activities in their departments
- Provide a platform for researchers to promote their findings to clinicians, to enhance implementation into clinical practice
- Make links with local informal profession specific research groups and other local research networks
If you would like to get involved and to support our work please contact us.