The State of the Art of Design in Health: An expert-led review of the extent of the art of design theory and practice in health and social care – Professor Paul Chamberlain, Daniel Wolstenholme and Dr Matt Dexter

Front cover of The State of the Art of Design in Health by Paul Chamberlain, Daniel Wolstenholme, Matt Dexter and Lizzie Seals
Title:The State of the Art of Design in Health: An expert-led review of the extent of the art of design theory and practice in health and social care
Publisher: Sheffield Hallam University
Authors:Professor Paul Chamberlain, Daniel Wolstenholme, Dr Matt Dexter, Lizzie Seals
Publication date:June, 2015
Print ISBN:978-84387-386-0
Number of pages:88

The State of the Art of Design in Health describes an investigation funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) to establish greater understanding of the extent of Design theory and practice within the context of health.

Led by researchers from Lab4Living, based within the Art & Design Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University, researchers from Coventry University, Glasgow School of Art and the Helen Hamlyn Centre at Royal College of Art, formed an expert network that bring together a critical mass of excellence in Design research for healthcare. An expert advisory group was appointed to provide an additional reference point for the network.

The report presents background and rationale for the research, outlines the activities undertaken by the expert network partners then describes the research methods adopted. The findings from the research are described and presented visually and exemplar case studies from each of the network partners articulate the valuable contribution of design in healthcare. The report draws some conclusions on the potential implications from the findings.

Professor Paul Chamberlain, Daniel Wolstenholme and Dr Matt Dexter are researchers working with the Art & Design Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University and also for Lab4Living.

Professor Paul Chamberlain is also the Head of the ADRC, Director of Lab4Living and Professor of Design at Sheffield Hallam University.