Sunday 23 April 2017 – Professor Esther Johnson to present paper on ‘Asunder’ at ‘The Sound of Memory’, Whitechapel Gallery

Still from Esther Johnson's Asunder

Esther Johnson, Professor of Film and Media Arts in ADRC, will present a paper on her poetic documentary film Asunder at The Sound Of Memory – Sound-track / Sound-scape at the Whitechapel Gallery on Sunday 23 April 2017. Esther will present as part of the third section of the event, entitled Construction / Reconstruction and Sonic Representation. The Sound of […]

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Prof Simon Andrews invited to talk about Detecting Organised Crime on Social Media

Organised Crime on Social Media diagram

Professor Simon Andrews, the Technical Lead for CENTRIC (Centre of Excellence for Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organised Crime Research) was invited to speak at University of Sheffield Information School (iSchool) where he gave a talk entitled: Organised Crime and Social Media: detecting and corroborating weak signals of Human Trafficking online. The talk described an approach for detecting the presence or emergence of Organised Crime […]

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Design to Care: Lab4Living embark on new project in end of life care

Marie Curie and Lab4Living logos - Design to Care

Design to Care is a two-year project funded by Marie Curie and in collaboration with the University of Cambridge. The work will explore how design and creative practices can contribute to promoting dignity and quality of life during palliative care. The Design to Care programme will be funded by Marie Curie through fundraising. Professor Bill Noble, Medical Director at Marie […]

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Lab4Living’s ‘Journeying Through Dementia’: Living well with dementia in Scotland

Lab4Living - Journeying Through Dementia - Scotland

Claire Craig, Lab4Living has recently had two successful visits to Edinburgh to share her research relating to living well with dementia. Designers Tom Maisey and Helen Fisher joined Claire in her visits to Allied Health professionals in Edinburgh who are keen to take the supported self-management programme, Journeying through Dementia, forward in Scotland. This work is being undertaken in collaboration […]

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Lab4Living: Influencing the health curriculum in Zurich

Lab4Living in Zurich

Lab4Living’s Claire Craig returned to the ZHAW Institute (Zurich University of Applied Sciences) for the eighth consecutive year this month. Here she lectured to third-year occupational therapy students about the value of design in healthcare and of how this relates to the new and emerging roles that occupational therapists are developing in practice. Students had the opportunity to hear her […]

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Lab4Living working in partnership with Kelham Island Museum

Lab4Living - The Power of Sheffield Journeys

Researchers in Lab4Living have been working in partnership with Kelham Island Museum on a project which draws on people’s memories of the city. The Power of Sheffield Journeys positions older people as custodians of the history of Sheffield. Using film and photography as stimuli Lab4Living’s Claire Craig and Maria Flude from the museum facilitated a series of workshops collecting narratives […]

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Exciting new collaboration between Lab4Living and China Academy of Arts

Lab4Living and China Academy of Art logos

Paul Chamberlain, Mark Phillips and Ian Gwilt recently attended the launch of the China Health Collaboration in Hangzhou. The collaboration brings together designers, researchers and students from Lab4Living and the China Academy of Arts with the express purpose of sharing knowledge, testing methodologies, undertaking research and proposing and developing solutions across the following themes: Healthy ageing Promoting independence Enabling environments […]

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‘Designing for the Ageing Brain’ Symposium Auckland, New Zealand – Paul Chamberlain and Claire Craig give keynote speeches

2017-04 Designing for the ageing brain symposium Lab4Living

Paul Chamberlain and Claire Craig delivered two keynote presentations to over 100 delegates at the Designing for the Ageing Brain Symposium in Auckland, New Zealand in March 2017. The Symposium was organised by the Design for Health and Wellbeing Lab at Auckland University of Technology and was funded by Brain Research New Zealand. It brought together designers, design researchers, clinicians and […]

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