Human-Computer Interactions in Museums by Eva Hornecker and Luigina Ciolfi

Luigina Ciolfi Human-Computer Interactions in Museums

Description Human-Computer Interactions in Museums covers key issues regarding the research and design of human-computer interactions (HCI) in museums. Through an on-site focus, the book examines how digital interactive technologies impact and shape galleries, exhibitions, and their visitors. “Human-Computer Interactions in Museums by Eva Hornecker and Luigina Ciolfi consolidates the body of work in HCI conducted in the heritage field and integrates it […]

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New book by Carmel O’Toole & Adrian Roxan ‘lays bare the democratic deficit’ that ensues when local newspapers no longer properly hold councils to scrutiny’.

Image of newspaper

Routledge have announced that Local Democracy, Journalism & PR by C3RI researchers, Carmel O’Toole and Adrian Roxan, will be published on 17 May 2019. The book presents a critical examination of the impact of sustained large-scale austerity cuts on local government communications in the UK. The book asks, what is lost to local democracy as a result? The authors present […]

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‘Exemplaires 2019’ – Dr Sharon Kivland’s books featured in exhibition at Frac Bretagne

Logo of Frac Bretagne

Exemplaires 2019 – Des mots et des choses is an exhibition taking place at Frac Bretagne, Rennes between Monday 29 March and Sunday 26 May 2019 showcasing more than one hundred artists’ books in order to celebrate the encounter between language and images under six themes: the silent book, the exposed book, the catalogue painting, when the word is exposed, when the […]

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Dr Sharon Kivland interviewed in Point Contemporain

Point Contemporain (logo)

Point Contemporain is a magazine dedicated to contemporary art. Created in April 2015 with a focus on works, artists’ interviews and exhibition reviews, Point Contemporain is interested in works, performances and installations of contemporary creation in France and Europe. Sharon Kivland was interviewed for the magazine on her relationship with reading, books and approaches to publishing. Read the full interview here (French). […]

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Dr Claire Craig invited to European Academy of Design 2019 as a Hero of Design Research

EAD2019 logo for Claire Craig's Design Hero invitation

Reader in Design Dr Claire Craig has been invited as a Hero of Design Research as part of the European Academy of Design 2019 (EAD2019) colloquium, taking place this April. Claire will be working to demystify the design PhD in a special tutorial session with EAD Founder Professor Rachel Cooper and Professors Leon Cruickshank, Tilde Bekker and Martyn Evans. There will be open discussion with […]

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Professor Lise Autogena gives keynote at Kunsthal Aarhus’ Forum for Directors – Wednesday 27 March 2019

Image courtesy of Lise Autogena - Lise Autogena at Kunsthal Aarhus - Keynote on 27 March 2019 + Kunsthal Aarhus logo

Professor Lise Autogena was Keynote Speaker at Kunsthal Aarhus‘ Forum for Directors on Wednesday 27 March, speaking to directors from a variety of institutions in Denmark, such as Aarhus Universitity, LEGO, Holst Lawyers and Galleri Grisk, gathered to participate in the Kunsthal’s new initiative Lederforum (Forum for Directors), which explored new insights into the structural challenges of integration. Speakers included Astrid Gade Nielsen (Vice President of Danish Crown) […]

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Penny McCarthy’s ‘Inspired by Leonardo’ talks at the Sheffield Millennium Gallery this April

Composite image of Millennium Gallery logo and two images - Leonardo da Vinci, Studies of water, c.1510-13. Royal Collection Trust © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2019 & Sailko [CC BY 3.0 (] - for Penny McCarthy's talks 'Inspired by Leonardo'

Sheffield Hallam University’s Reader in Fine Art Penny McCarthy will be holding two events this April at Sheffield’s Millennium Gallery, coinciding with the Leonardo da Vinci: A Life in Drawing exhibition which continues until Monday 06 May 2019. Penny will be discussing her own approach and drawing practice and her experience of studying Leonardo’s work. Inspired by Leonardo Discussion Group: Drawing from the […]

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Penny McCarthy’s illustrations at performance of ‘Beware the Cat’ at the Royal Shakespeare Company – Saturday 06 July 2019

Image from Beware the Cat by Penny McCarthy & RSC logo

Beware the Cat  The Other Place, Stratford-upon-Avon Saturday 06 July, 5PM  Free but ticketed   This funny, satirical one-hour performance emerges from a collaborative process between artists and academics responding to the first ever English novel by William Baldwin. A tall tale of magical attempts to understand the language of cats, with unique artworks representing the cat-world by artist Penny […]

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