19 September 2017

Key discussion points and outcomes


Estates Master plan initial outcomes
The Board received a presentation on the Estates Master plan.  The next steps will be to test the operational requirements harder; further stakeholder engagement; producing the next level of detail to create a plan with associated costings that will be presented to the Board in December, prior to presentation to the Board of Governors in February 2018.

PSOM Business Case, Implementation Approach and Roadmap
The Board received the PSOM Business Case and agreed with the direction set out in the report.  The board approved the programme to proceed to phase 2.

Equality & Diversity Business Case
The Board received the Equality & Diversity Business Case which has been designed to deliver the E&D Objectives that were approved at Board of Governors in July 2017.

Marketing update
The Board received an update on the Marketing Plan and were advised that a further update will be presented to the next Board meeting. Jacqui Robinson, Director of Communications, is currently drawing up the wider Comms Strategy

D&S Placements – The Board were notified that the D&S Placements system management project has selected a preferred supplier and will shortly be moving into implementation.

Board Co-chairs – Richard Calvert advised the Board that pillar boards will each have a Co-Chair in the future and the Co-Chair of BGU is Deborah Harry.Board Co-chairs – Richard Calvert advised the Board that pillar boards will each have a Co-Chair in the future and the Co-Chair of BGU is Deborah Harry.


1. Apologies for Absence
2. Record of the meeting on 11 July 2017
3. Committee Reports
4. Estates Masterplan initial outcomes – agree preferred option
5. PSOM Business Case, Implementation Approach and Roadmap
6. Equality & Diversity Business Case
7. Marketing update
8. AOB


Richard Calvert – Chair, Karen Bryan, Nuala Devlin, Sital Dhillon, Deborah Harry, Wayne Keating, John Leach, Eileen McAuliffe, Justine Pedler, Jo Solecki, Mark Swales, Sally Wade, Libby Wilson, Helen Roberts – Secretary and guests presenting items.