13 March 2018

Key discussion points and outcomes

Committee Reports
Equality and Diversity – the E&D objectives have been launched. The implementation plan has been approved by our Board of Governors.

Raising our institutional Profile
The Board received a presentation from Jacqui Robinson regarding “Strategic messaging around narratives and staff communications.”

The Board discussed the three overarching themes

  • Deploying our considerable resources
  • A sector leader in innovation and real world solutions in tackling health and wellbeing challenges
  • A driver of regional and economic growth

The Board fed back on the content and the work is ongoing.

PSOM Update
The Board received an update that open briefings has been held and the video of the briefing subsequently cascaded.   The project team are working with Faculty Leadership Teams and the first academic session is scheduled for 13 March.

Work on the Business and Outward Engagement strand is continuing over the next few weeks.


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Record of the meeting held on 13 February 2018
  3. Committee reports
    1. INVIC
    2. Equality and Diversity
    3. ICC
    4. Health, Safety and Wellbeing
  4. Monthly Performance Report
    1. Budget Review
    2. Risk Overview
  5. Hallam Deal – revised plan
    1. Discussion and Approval
  6. Role and Purpose of LICC
    1. Discussion and Approval
  7. Raising our Institutional Profile
    1. Strategic Messaging around narratives and staff communications
    2. ULT Papers and presentation
  8. PSOM update
  9. Any Other Business


Richard Calvert – Chair, Helen Best, Leon Etherington, Deborah Harry, Sally Jackson, Wayne Keating, John Leach, Justine Pedler, Jo Solecki, Mark Swales, Sally Wade, Libby Wilson, Nicola Green – acting Minutes Secretary.