Adsetts Level 7 – fixed and flex workspaces


The plans for Level 7 refer to  ‘fixed’ and ‘flex’ workspaces and we have had a few questions about what this means. Fixed and Flex refer to the type of IT kit that can be set up on a desk. Colin Taylor is working with DTS over the IT specification for the refurbishment project and has given some guidance about what these spaces mean and what information is needed to finalise the plans.


Any work station that is designated fixed will have a ‘traditional’ set up. A hard wired desk top PC, key board and mouse. Dual screens have been requested as standard. Depending on budget and agreed furnishings the monitors might be on arms to allow flexible positioning “.


Any work station that is designated flex will have a docking point so that a laptop can take the place of the hard wired desk top PC and connected with that workstation via a docking station using a USB connection. The workstation will still have a standard keyboard, mouse and dual screens requested as standard. Again depending on agreed furnishings the monitors might be on arms to allow flexible positioning “.

It’s important to stress at this point that no orders have been placed and that the plans are subject to change depending on what teams need in the new workspace.  These are also definitions of the ‘typical’ set up and that specific requirements, be it for adjusts to accommodate health or other conditions, or specific PC needs relating to the type of work completed will be handled on a case by case basis.

Things to consider when deciding between Fixed and Flex

  • The current standard laptop is a HP Elite Book 840. It is expected that these will be issued individually for those using Flex workstations
  • A laptop and use of flex workstations should be considered if you require to take your device with you to meeting, sessions, used in collaborative spaces or otherwise need to travel with it
  • If your work involves staying at a fixed location, or you prefer not to travel with your device then a fixed station is the better option
  • Laptops will typically be expected to be moved from workstations at the end of your working day. This could mean taking the device home with you, or putting it in your locker or storage  cupboard. They should not be left docked
  • The exception to this on occasion devices should be left plugged in overnight to allow upgrades to run on the device. The process for this is to be agreed
  • It is currently planned that there will be limited pool of shared laptops for use by those who require the flexibility they offer, or to share with internal visitors. This pool of devices will not be there for regular use as you would be expected to use a regular laptop and bring it with you if that is the best mode of work for you


What to do now ?

Please consider what type of workstation would suit your needs best and feedback via your team leaders. Please also consider what you would like to see in the shared spaces around the floor.  Colin can then form an overview of requirements and work with DTS and the design team to get these in place.